Here are specific examples of why we are confident that when it comes to honoring Veterans, no other provider comes close to our level of understanding, dedication and commitment. You will not find another provider that does more for Veterans and their families.
If you are a Veteran or are responsible for the arrangements of a Veteran, you can count on us to provide an unmatched level of dignity and understanding, the kind of respect and attention to detail that every Veteran should receive.
We believe we are the best and Veterans deserve no less. The George P. Kalas Funeral Homes are “The Veterans Choice” when it comes to Veterans Funerals, Veterans Cremation & Veterans Burial. View George P. Kalas, Sr.'s decorations and medals in the lobby of our funeral homes. Our funeral home is dedicated to the highest level of ethical business standards and integrity.
The George P. Kalas Funeral Homes extend benefits and savings to Veterans and their spouses beyond those provided by the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs. This includes encouraging Veterans and their spouses to take full advantage of their FREE VETERANS BURIAL BENEFIT in the closest State or National Veterans Cemetery when geographically possible. Doing so saves Veterans and their families thousands of dollars on final arrangement expenses.
The George P. Kalas Funeral Homes were founded by George P. Kalas, Sr., a World War II veteran himself, had deep roots in the community and worked closely with Vietnam Veterans of America, VFW, American Legion, DAV and other Veterans Service Organizations. George Kalas, Sr.'s, sons and grandson are active members of the Sons of the American Legion today following in their Dad's footsteps.
The George P. Kalas Funeral Homes employ and have employed many veterans. The George P. Kalas Funeral Homes are working to ensure that Veterans and their families take full advantage of the benefits and savings they have so honorably earned.