Book of Memories for Evelyn A. Laird Book of Memories for Evelyn A. Laird Recent updates for the Book of Memories Frontrunner Professional Book of Memories V4 en-gb Story shared: Lost When I was in my early twenties (1970s) my sister and Judie for an afternoon of sightseeing around Washington D.C with Aunt Ebby as our tour guide.  We spent most of the time lost. Our plans changed several times as Aunt Ebby recognized landmarks and we decided to see that instead.  We never did make it to the Lincoln Memorial and a few of the other original ideas.  It did not matter. Aunt Ebby's laughter and optimism were infectious.  I have seldom enjoyed my self more by never getting to where we had wanted to go.  Where we did  wind up was happy, with an ice cream, and with an unexpected pitstop which is the Jefferson Memorial. Just the pitstop in the bathrooms down below.  We were unaware what was above us until we were pulling away.  It didn't matter.   What both Judie and I reminisce about is how much fun we had with Aunt Ebby.  The destinations didn't not matter so much as the journey.  Lesson learned, Aunt Ebby.  Thank you. 

Shared Photos Sun, 02 Jul 2017 12:04:15 EDT
Memorial Candle lit by Carol & Dan Mickewich from Hendersonville, NC(Former daughter of Mildred & Gus Bock) Memorial Candles Wed, 28 Jun 2017 11:33:49 EDT Condolence From Janis Oppenheimer Condolences Wed, 14 Jun 2017 09:58:25 EDT Photo shared: Mom's Obit.jpg

Shared Photos Sun, 11 Jun 2017 03:49:57 EDT